Monday, August 15, 2011

Online Tutoring Results of Academic Potential Students

The following information pertains to the achievements of students after participating in computer based reading and math programs. My findings are based on previous Academy of Reading/Math and SuccessMaker Reading/Math results. Throughout my years as a Learning Assistance Teacher as well as with Academic Potential students, I have seen tremendous gains in both reading and math. I no longer have results from school to pass along. However, I will show my findings from approximately 2 years of work with students participating in my online tutoring.

The Academy of Reading program
1.0 Grade level gain in 13 hours 30 minutes on the program

The Academy of Math program
1.0 Grade level gain in 8 hours on the program

The SuccessMaker Reading program
1.0 Grade level gain in 20 hours 30 minutes on the program

The SuccessMaker Math program
1.0 Grade level gain in 22 hours on the program